Increase pageview 350% in one hour.25 ways to get more traffic to your site blog.Gain unique traffic.

Can you imagine how many sites available in all words-About 2,00,00,000.And How many sites you have seen or remember only 500.It means every webmaster don't get success in their life.But If you have a site I will give you tips about how to get increase 350% pagevies in an hour.
Every Webmaster want to get more and more traffic so read and share this artical with your friends.-

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.

Write quality content. Increase traffic #1

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.write quality content

Well-written text content with quality images can provide a more better reading experience. The details in the content can help the reader spend quality time on your website. If your content is too thin, the user might not be willing to spend more time with it. Make sure though it is within reasonable limits.The statement ‘Content is King’ is not just a cliché that is irrelevant today. In fact, the very success of your blog site depends on the content. If you want to make daily new impression, you must create unique, quality content that includes lots of valuable information for the readers. But how do you know That what visiter wants to read?You can daily visit google trends. This lists featured and trending stories that people have been searching for in the past 24 hours. You can pick any trendy topic and write a unique article on it. In addition, topics that provide solution to common problems will also be successful among the online community.

Do not copy paste any content from internet-Best tip#2

This is a shortcut that all new webmaster want to use because they want to increase their pageview but they do not know that this will decrease your search engine ranking. and we all know that our 90% users coming from search engines.So don't be foolish.

Share your content with social Networks- Increase traffic #3

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.share content

Social networks are best place where you can share your posts.This will increase traffic dramically.And you will find your backlinks from famous plateform.I am suggesting you to Make your website page on social networks.And after all they will give us new visitors and you can touch with them.Many people want to comment on social networks.So you can create a comunity for your bussiness.

Use keywords about your post.Best tip#4

Google says that you must write for visitors not for search engines.But I am saying that withot suitable ,how visitors will find us.Don’t be afraid to experiment with different headlines.Long-tail keywords are search phrases composed of 3+ keywords. They’re easier to target long-tail keywords  because there is less competition for these phrases. Targeting long-tail keywords is really your only chance of getting a top SERP spot in Google.

Use Mobile Friendly Template- Increase traffic #5

This is most important that you have to use your mobile template in your site.This will increase 100%+50% visitors.Because there are an android mobile in every hand.So if you are not using different mobile template for users.They will leave your site.
NOTE-ON apr. 2015 Google has updated their Search engines.And they as possible as Don't put Sites at first page if site is not mobile friendly.So make your site mobile friendly.You can take a mobile friendly test on google webmaster tool.
So there are a matter that search engines give preference to those who have mobile friendly.

"You can read here how to make a blogger blog mobile friendly".

Give nofollow tag to unouthorised outgoing links.Best tip#6

This is the point where new blogger fails because they don't give nofollow tag to outgoing links.If you are giving Other sites links then you have to know about that site.Because if linking site have any illigal/porn content(present or future) then your post/domain rank will decresse.And another point that without nofollow tag link will pass your site juice so always do follow for outgoing links.You have to give this tag to ad networks too.Because sometimes search engines bann your site for bad links.

You can give nofollow tag directly from blogger.When you give any links then you will see that there are two options in window- one is saying "open in new window" And other is saying use nofollow.You have to select second option.

Give some dofollow Topdomain links. like- google.Best tip#7

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.dofoolow links

This is a another trick to gain more traffic to your site.If you give dofollow links to high rank domain then your rank will be better for some search engine.Belive me This will Get 100%+1% more traffic from some search engines.
I am giving here beautiful html code.You can add codes on your site's sidebar.This code will give your visitors to beautiful presentation.And help you to get more traffic. And don't worry about your users, because they never leave you.Every link given these code will open in new window.
You have to trie these code for one day and see the magic.If you are getting average 10000 pageview then after put codes you will get 10100 pageview.So trie atleast once.


How to put these code-

First copy these codes in background coloured-

<div style="border: 1px solid #000; height: 160px; width: 240px;">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="" /></a><a href="'wwwrajasthani-21' target="_blank""><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="Yahoo" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="Facebook" /></a><a href=" target="_blank""><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="Search Bing" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="Popular post" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog" src="" title="Create This widget for your Site/blog" /></a></div>

There are a yellow background .you can put your faviorate/Popular post link for visitors.
Now You have to select these codes.
Now copy Codes.
Now paste Codes where you want to put.(I am suggesting for sidebar.)

The widget will look like this on your sidebar-

Widget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blogWidget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blogWidget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blogWidget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blogWidget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blogWidget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blogWidget/gadget for get morw pageview on site blog


"Click here to get more codes for your site/Music site"

Say your visiters for comment Increase traffic #8

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.Write comment

If your visitor will comment on your post than it makes backlinks for you and it will improve site ranking on search engines.And one other pulse point is that your other visitor will find deep content via comment.So Say users to comment and never hide comment box.You can find others like you who can comment on your post and you can comment on their post back.

Give sitemaps to all search engines-Best tip#9

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.Webmaster sitemap

We all know that our biggest traffic source is search engines.But how search Engines will find you?.Give them your sitemap.So your new pages will easly indexed.How to give sitemap?
First of all you have to create webmaster account on search engines developer tool.Then add your site.and now proove that you are the owner of site by add meta tag they give. And now submit your sitemap.
70% of search traffic coming from google.So i strongly recommodent you to make search console account to google webmaster.If you are using Blogger then you don't haveto submit sitemap to google,It will automatically submit time to time.

Ad behaviour on your site- Increase traffic #10

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more's behaviour

Everyone has dream that they make money from their site.And they read review on internet about ad networks.But on internet they will find only about money not about what users feel from their ads.And many sites review ad networks only for money and affliciate networks.So you have to chhose ad networks carefuly.

I am suggest you some point before you sign up and sell your ad space to ad networks-
-Never Never give pop-up and popunder networks for mobile networks.If You are using different templates for mobile and desktop.Then you can give popads for your desktop users only.It will make bonus money for you.But never give popads on mobile because it is open in new tab and visitors never open your site back or they will be disabled from open your site back.

-Do not give ads of adult advertiser if you have site about family or children.Parents can block your site from children's browser.

-Do not give auto redirecting ads.

Give Related Post Widget-Best tip#11

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.related post

This the more common practices of bloggers to encourage readers to read multiple pages on their blogs is to to highlight related posts at the end of your article. There are many plug ins for related post. This is the most important factor to increasing page views. Without this related content,  they will leave the site.Visibility of "suggested" or “related content” is very is commonly used for sidebar and navigation.You’ll want to use your website’s sidebar to display a related content section and a search feature, too.You can add a section at the end of your posts that promotes other pieces of interesting content. it might be better to just list one piece of content that people can click on, rather than two or three – making the decision to click somewhat easier.Adding links within content is a good way to give visitors the opportunity to learn more about a topic or piece of information that was mentioned but not covered in full. Nearly as popular is the use of related links placed at the very end of a post.

Make Your site faster. Increase traffic #12

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.Fast loading site

40% of visitors in united states will abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load. While mobile users might cut you a bit more slack a slow loading website is a surefire way to kill your page views. and search engines also put a tag of slow load to your site.There are plenty of rewards on offer to those who can offer a fast loading website so it’s something you should always keep an eye on.All this means that you must not keep your visitors waiting when they visit your blog site. You can use various online tools such as GTmetrix and Pingdom to find out the page loading speed. Make sure that your any blog page does not take longer than 2 seconds to open the site.You can check your site speed on google webmaster tool.

Write Evergreen Content-Increase Pageview#13

This is content that will still be Readable/interesting for months, and perhaps even years, to come.Many blogs find that it is their evergreen content that brings in the majority of their traffic.Evergreen content generally tends to fare better in the search engine rankings, because it naturally attracts a lot of links.You can use google webmaster acc. foranalyse your data.This is mentoned other section in this post.You can then use that information to create evergreen content that matches the criteria you unearthed above – creating content that appeals to people.

Internal links. Increase traffic #14

Besides adding related links at the end of a post or in the post, another similar linking strategy you can use to drive up page views is to link to other posts or pages directly within the text of your content.Make sure that the words or phrases you’re linking to are worth exploring further, and keep the links relevant. If you’re writing a post that mentions something similar to what you’ve written before simply link to your previous post from within your article.If you are just starting out, then you will be a bit limited. So how do you go back and interlink older articles when you have something new? You can manually do it, but it will take some time.

Popular Post.Best tip#15

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.Popular Post

You can Give Popular Post widget in sidebar.Those posts or pages are more popular than the rest for a reason, and you’ll probably see more clicks on them compared to showcasing your most recent posts in your sidebar.Wordpress and blogger have their own popular post plugin.By this widget you will also can tell visitors about your best posts.

Give search box to Visitors. Increase traffic #16

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more box

A lot of websites does not have a search box. As a result, the visitor will leave the site if he/she did not find anything further relevant.Blogger and wordpress have their own search box widget.however for best results you should be using the Google custom search widget. You can embed the Google search box directly in your website. .most blogger blogs platforms have the ability to use a search box feature on your blog which enables users to search your blog for keywords. This feature obviously helps your readers to locate other posts on your site and as a result increases the potential for a multiple page view.

Join with other like you.Increase Pageview#17

promote your blog/site with each other. Make it a event to promote one another’s posts. It is a greate idea to promote one another's blog.Because they have different audience that you have don't so this is a greate deal to promote each-oher's blog.You can join Facebook groups for this work.

Attractive blog/site design.Increase Pageview#18

one way to get readers coming back to your blog many times over a day is to have a blog that people want to interact with.Because If visiter find something attractive and good design on your site then they can see more posts from related and popularpost widgets.

Email link. Increase traffic #19

If you are not putting effort into collecting email subscribers, Then you are doing a big mistake. If you have attracted people to your site via SEO , Pinterest or other methods then. you want to ensure they keep coming back.Subscribers are gold. They chose to follow you after all. This article is not about collecting them. You not have to collect all users but you can attrant those users who want to daily view your site.

Backlinks-Increase Pageview#20

Backlinks are links to your site that comes from other sites.Good backlinks increase rank of domain on search engines and get more traffic.
How to get backlinks-
-Find other bloggers that comment on your site
-Share content on social networks. like facebook.etc.

Give suitable meta tags to posts and Header. Gain more traffic#21

This is a trick to find easily on search engine to give meta tags to your posts and Header.Meta tag is normaly known as search can give meta tag bitween 0-200 normally 150 words is better for your site.This will improve your site in ranking and increase your pageview.

Submit Your site/blog to Web Directories-Increase Pageview#22

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.web/blog directory

Submiting your site on directories is a good option for get more visible and Higher ranking your site on search engines.If traffic come from These directories you can make backlinks of your post.So google now and find web/blog directories now.
I am suggesting indian webmaster to submit their blog to blograma.

Create a site android app for your users. Increase traffic #23

Increase Your site/blog page view.ways to get gain more traffic.creat site app

This is a trick to conferm that visitor will come back more next time on your site.They will not have to search your site on google.You can increase pageview with this trick.There are many online app creater like appsgeyser,builfire etc.

Use Navigation Menu Of Site Categories-Gain more traffic#24

Use an attractive user menu for your visitors that they can easly find your site categories.It will help you to increase your pageviews.

Accept guest writing-Increase Pageview#25

You have to accept guest writing because it will give you more content and traffic.

Reboot txt- Increase traffic #26

This is an option that help search engines to hide your site content from there.You can read more about this on google.

If you have que. fell free to share with our comunity. Please Comment.


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